Cafe24 News

[Orders] We're updating the fields within archived orders' order details.


Update from Cafe24

We have updated the fields in order details pages (payment information) to help you manage archived orders with ease and offer better customer service.

See below for more details.


 Release date: February 24, 2021 (Wed.)


 - Updated menu: Orders > Archived orders > Order details popup page

 - Update details: We have added payment method details to the payment information section in the order details page.

※ This field might not be visible if there are no payment method details.

 Please note that this update will gradually be rolled out, meaning that it may take some time before you see the changes within your admin page. Thank you for your patience.


We hope you enjoy the update. Don’t forget that Cafe24 is continuously improving its services to ensure that you have the best e-commerce experience.

So, stay tuned for more updates!


The Cafe24 team