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[Customers] New feature that lets customers link their social media accounts with their existing online store account.


Update from Cafe24

We're releasing a new feature that allows customers to link their social media account to an existing online store account when the email address used is identical.

Check below for details.

Release date: July 14, 2022

Updated menus: Store settings>Customers>Customer policies>Customers
                                (or Home>My Store>Store setup>General settings>Customers (tab))


#1. Linking social media account with existing email account.

Sometimes, when a customer signs up via their social media account, you will notice that an existing online store account uses the same email address.

We are releasing a feature that will allow customers to link their social media account with existing account in the above case.

You can find this feature in Store settings>Customers>Customer policies>Customers (or Home>My Store>Store setup>General settings>Customers (tab)) under Link social media account when signing up.

#2. How to link the accounts

Check the box for “Link accounts when users sign up with a social media account and the email address used has already been registered for another account” to enable the feature.

Once checked, if the system detects an existing account with the same email address, the customer will be redirected to a page where they can link it with their social media account.

From here, the customer simply needs to select an account and log in to link it with their social media account.

Once complete, an alert will pop up confirming that the accounts are linked.
From then on, the customer will be able to access the same account whether they log in using their social media account credentials or their original online store account credentials.

Keep the following in mind when using this feature:

- The Create an account for your store based on information saved in LINE account/Sync LINE account with store account options that were offered when signing up with a Line account will disappear. Related features are integrated with the Link social media account when signing up feature.

- Customers can link up to 15 social media accounts to a customer account using the same email address.

- As long as the email address used is identical, they can link their accounts with regular customer accounts, other customer accounts created via social login, and SSO accounts.

- You can check a customer’s linked social media accounts in CRM>Customer profile>Usage information>Synced social media accounts.

- You can export data on linked social media accounts  using the "Synced social media accounts" filter in My Store>CSV files>Create CSV>Filters>Customers (tab). To ensure that you don't mix up this filter with the original "Enabled SSO" filter, we have changed the latter to "Linked SSO service."

-  On a Korean store, if you are using the optional Allow customers to log in only using a Kakao ID when they access the store via a Kakao in-app browser feature under KakaoSync, users will be able to link their social media account and regular online store account regardless of your Check duplicate emails settings.

- The previous social login link feature offered with KakaoSync has been integrated with the Link social media account when signing up feature. When you change the social login feature from “Disable” to “Enable,” the KakaoSync social login feature is provided under the Link social media account when signing up feature.

■ Guides on how to edit your theme for this new feature

If you are using a default theme published before this update or a paid theme purchased through Cafe24 Store, you will need to edit your store theme according to the guides below and add the source codes for this feature to ensure it functions properly.

- Theme guides (PC)

☞ [How to edit HTML - English]

[How to edit HTML - Korean]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Japanese]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Vietnamese]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Chinese (Simplified)]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Chinese (Traditional)]

- Theme guides (Mobile)

☞ [How to edit HTML - English]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Korean]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Japanese]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Vietnamese]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Chinese (Simplified)]

☞ [How to edit HTML - Chinese (Traditional)]

Please note that this update will be rolled out gradually and some stores may receive the update later than others.

We hope you enjoy the update. Don’t forget that Cafe24 is continuously improving its services to ensure that you have the best e-commerce experience.

So stay tuned for more updates!

The Cafe24 team